Worker Organizing & Campaigns
As workplaces become more and more reliant on contingent (temporary and gig) work, we recognize traditional organizing structures for traditional employers can no longer serve as the sole vehicle for worker organizing. Because of this, we organize industries and workplaces with large number of Black, contingent workers.
Organizing takes a variety of strategies and tactics. We employ community and worker organizing and campaigning practices to achieve our goals.
Research & Advocacy
We believe that research and advocacy are necessary to organize and change industries. On our way toward a liberatory future, we must understand the industries and conditions we seek to change. We use research and advocacy as tools to gain real wins for workers.
Worker Education
Education is the cornerstone of worker organizing and advocacy. By providing workers with the information and resources they need to protect themselves, they are better equipped to assert their rights in the workplace. Our KYR trainings are designed to empower workers to speak up and demand the fair treatment they are entitled to. We work tirelessly to ensure that workers have access to the tools and knowledge they need.
Worker Supports
Low wage work is not easy work. It has tremendous impacts on our minds, bodies and souls. Through union partnerships, we create pathways into safer, higher paid, unionized jobs for our members. We also work in partnership with service providers to support our members in filing wage theft claims, expungement services and receiving other direct services.